If you are an investor considering lease purchases, we can help you. Fill out and submit the form below and will begin. We are familiar with the workings of every kind of lease purchase deal.
* = required information
* First Name :
* Last Name :
Entity Name :
Phone Number :
* E-mail Address :
* Deals Interested In (check all that apply) :
Cooperative Assignment Lease Purchase
Sandwich Lease Purchase
Other :
* Preferred Areas :
* Preferred Types of Properties (check all that apply) :
Single Family
Multi-Family (2-4 units)
Monthly Marketing Budget :
For Sandwich Lease Purchases :
Maximum Up Front Payment :
(covers 1st month's rent, security, option premium, etc. )
Additional Information That You Think We Should Know :
* Where Did You Hear About Us ? Rent-To-Own-CT.net site RadiantNewHorizonHomes.com Referral Signs Google Craig's List Face Book Another Rent-To-Own website Internet Word of Mouth Other
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